The Trace of the Box - Technicalized Good People
궤적(櫃迹) - 기술된 선인(善人)들

Text: Gabriel Menotti, Moonseok Yi, Moojin Brothers
Translator, English Proofreader: Hyungju Woo, Sohee Park
글: 가브리엘 메노티, 이문석, 무진형제
번역, 영문감수: 우형주, 박소희
Korean, English
297x410mm, 20pages(folding), black envelop case
Design: RW
ISBN 979-11-965040-5-2(Not for sale)

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Supported by Arts Council Korea
First Published in October 2023

The old man was dreaming about the lions
노인은 사자 꿈을 꾸고 있었다

Text: Jiyi Shin, Somi Sim, Moojin Brothers
Translator, English Proofreader: KAMS, Hyungju Woo, Jiwon Yu
글: 신지이, 심소미, 무진형제
번역, 영문감수: 예술경영지원센터, 우형주, 유지원
Korean, English
140x230mm, 48pages(saddle stitch binding), 60pages(open spine binding), folder case
ISBN 979-11-965040-4-5

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Supported by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, KAMS
First Published in December 2022

Moo-Sang (霧象)

Interview: Somi Sim, Sunghoon Kim, Youngjoo Lee, Sungil Kim, Sewon Lee, HoKyun Chun, Moojin Brothers
인터뷰: 심소미, 김성훈, 이영주, 김성일, 이세원, 천호균, 무진형제
240x300mm, 144pages, fastener binding, file cover
ISBN 979-11-965040-3-8

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Supported by Arts Council Korea
First Published in April 2021

The Door into Summer
여름으로 가는 문

Text: Sunyoung Kim, Moojin Brothers
Translator: Hyungju Woo
글: 김선영, 무진형제
번역: 우형주
Korean, English
110x180mm, 120pages, open spine binding, hard cover
Design: Yongchan Kwon and Gunjung Lee
ISBN 979-11-965040-2-1

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Organized and Hosted by Nam June Paik Art Center,
Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation
First Published in July 2019

The Trace of the Box

Text: Shan Lim, Moojin Brothers
글: 임산, 무진형제
Korean, English
150x210mm, 192pages, sewn binding, hard cover
Design: Yongchan Kwon and Gunjung Lee
ISBN 979-11-965040-1-4

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Supported by GyeongGi Cultural Foundation
First Published in January 2019

Carving of Conception Dream
胎刻 태각

Text: 33 participants, Wonhwa Yoon, Moojin Brothers
글: 프로젝트 참여자 33인, 윤원화, 무진형제
Korean, English
145x180mm, 33cards, 84pages(open spine binding), box case
ISBN 979-11-965040-0-7

Publisher: MEZZANINE
Supported by GyeongGi Cultural Foundation -
Northern Cultural Agency
First Published in October 2018

Moojin Brothers Moojin Brothers Moojin Brothers
무진형제 무진형제 무진형제

Text: Jung Hyun, Goeun Song, Moojin Brothers
글: 정현, 송고은, 무진형제
Korean, English
150x210mm, 180pages, sewn binding, hard cover
Design: Hangooseong and Yongchan Kwon and Gunjung Lee
ISBN 979-11-87817-00-0(Not for sale)

Publisher: Space O’newwall
Supported by Seoul Museum of Art
First Published in October 2016

The Filed of M
M의 장

Text: Youngjoo Lee, Jinsil Lee, Moojin Brothers
글: 이영주, 이진실, 무진형제
Korean, English
150x210mm, 184pages, Perfect binding

Independent publishing
Supported by GyeongGi Cultural Foundation
First Published in January 2015